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The library is divided into two submodules:

  • typing_inspection.typing_objects: provides functions to check if a variable is a typing object:

    from typing_extensions import Union, get_origin
    from typing_inspection.typing_objects import is_union
    is_union(get_origin(Union[int, str]))  # True


    You might be tempted to use a simple identity check:

    >>> get_origin(Union[int, str]) is typing.Union

    However, typing_extensions might provide a different version of the typing objects. Instead, the typing_objects functions make sure to check against both variants, if they are different.

  • typing_inspection.introspection: provides high-level introspection functions, taking runtime edge cases into account.

Inspecting annotations

If, as a library, you rely heavily on type hints, you may encounter subtle unexpected behaviors and performance issues when inspecting annotations. As such, this section provides a recommended workflow to do so.

Fetching type hints

The first step is to gather the type annotations from the object you want to inspect. The typing.get_type_hints() function can be used to do so. If you want to make use of annotated metadata, make sure to set the include_extras argument to True.

>>> class A:
...    x: int
...    y: Annotated[int, ...]
>>> get_type_hints(A, include_extras=True)
{'x': int, 'y': Annotated[int, ...]}


Currently, typing-inspection does not provide any utility to fetch (and evaluate) type annotations. The current typing utilities might contain subtle bugs across the different Python versions, so there is value in having similar functionality. It might be best to wait for PEP 649 to be fully implemented first. In the meanwhile, the typing_extensions.get_type_hints() backport can be used.

Unpacking metadata and qualifiers

The annotations fetched in the previous step are called annotation expressions. An annotation expression is a type expression, optionally surrounded by one or more type qualifiers or by the Annotated form.

For instance, in the following example:

from typing import Annotated, ClassVar

class A:
    x: ClassVar[Annotated[int, "meta"]]

The type hint of x is an annotation expression. The underlying type expression is int. It is wrapped by the ClassVar type qualifier, and the Annotated special form.

The goal of this step is to:

  • Unwrap the underlying type expression.
  • Keep track of the type qualifiers and annotated metadata.

To unwrap the type hint, use the inspect_annotation() function:

>>> from typing_inspection.introspection import AnnotationSource, inspect_annotation
>>> inspect_annotation(
...    ClassVar[Annotated[int, "meta"]],
...    annotation_source=AnnotationSource.CLASS,
... )
InspectedAnnotation(type=int, qualifiers={"class_var"}, metadata=["meta"])

Note that depending on the annotation source, different type qualifiers can be (dis)allowed. For instance, TypedDict classes allow Required and NotRequired, which are not allowed elsewhere (the allowed typed qualifiers are documented in the AnnotationSource enum class).

A ForbiddenQualifier exception is raised if an invalid qualifier is used. If you want to allow all of them, use the AnnotationSource.ANY annotation source.

The result of the inspect_annotation() function contains the underlying type expression, the qualifiers and the annotated metadata.

Handling bare type qualifiers

Note that some qualifiers are allowed to be used without any type expression. In this case, the InspectedAnnotation.type attribute will take the value of the UNKNOWN sentinel.

Depending on the type qualifier that was used, you can infer the actual type in different ways:

from typing import get_type_hints

from typing_inspection.introspection import UNKNOWN, AnnotationSource, inspect_annotation

class A:
    # For `Final` annotations, the type should be inferred from the assignment
    # (and you may error if no assignment is available).
    # In this case, you can infer to either `int` or `Literal[1]`:
    x: Annotated[Final, 'meta'] = 1

    # For `ClassVar` annotations, the type can be inferred as `Any`,
    # or from the assignment if available (both options are valid in all cases):
    y: ClassVar

inspected_annotation = inspect_annotation(

if inspected_annotation.type is UNKNOWN:
    ann_type = type(A.x)
    ann_type = inspected_annotation.type

Parsing PEP 695 type aliases

In Python 3.12, the new type statement can be used to define type aliases. When a type alias is wrapped by the Annotated form, the type alias' value will not be unpacked by Python at runtime. This means that while the following is technically valid:

type MyInt = Annotated[int, "int_meta"]

class A:
    x: Annotated[MyInt, "other_meta"]

it might be necessary to parse the type alias during annotation inspection. This behavior can be controlled using the unpack_type_aliases parameter:

>>> inspect_annotation(
...     Annotated[MyInt, "other_meta"],
...     annotation_source=AnnotationSource.CLASS,
...     unpack_type_aliases="eager",
... )
InspectedAnnotation(type=int, qualifiers={}, metadata=["int_meta", "other_meta"])

Whether you should unpack type aliases depends on your use case. If the annotated metadata present in the type alias is only meant to be applied on the annotated type (and not the attribute that will be type hinted), you probably need to keep type aliases as is, and possibly error later if invalid metadata is found when inspecting the type alias.

Note that type aliases are lazily evaluated. During type alias inspection, any undefined symbol will raise a NameError. To prevent this from happening, you can use 'skip' to avoid expanding type aliases (the default), or 'lenient' to fallback to 'skip' if the type alias contains an undefined symbol:

>>> type BrokenType = Annotated[Undefined, ...]
>>> type MyAlias = Annotated[BrokenType, "meta"]
>>> inspect_annotation(
...     MyAlias,
...     annotation_source=AnnotationSource.CLASS,
...     unpack_type_aliases="lenient",
... )
InspectedAnnotation(type=BrokenType, qualifiers={}, metadata=["meta"])

Inspecting the type expression

With the qualifiers and Annotated forms removed, we can now proceed to inspect the type expression.

First of all, some simple typing special forms can be checked:

from typing_inspection.typing_objects import is_any, is_self

# This would come from `InspectedAnnotation.type`, after checking for `INFERRED`:
type_expr = ...

if is_any(type_expr):
    ...  # Handle `typing.Any`

if is_self(type_expr):
    ...  # Handle `typing.Self`

We will then use the typing.get_origin() function to fetch the origin of the type. Depending on the type, the origin has different meanings:

from typing_inspection.introspection import get_literal_values, is_union_origin
from typing_inspection.typing_objects import is_annotated, is_literal

origin = get_origin(type_expr)

if is_union_origin(origin):
    # Handle `typing.Union` (or the new `|` syntax)
    union_args = type_expr.__args__

# You may also want to check for Annotated forms. While we unwrapped them
# in step 2, `Annotated` can be used in parts of the annotation, e.g.
# `list[Annotated[int, ...]]`:
if is_annotated(origin):
    annotated_type = type_expr.__origin__  # not to be confused with the origin above
    metadata = type_expr.__metadata__

if is_literal(origin):
    # Handle `typing.Literal`
    literal_values = get_literal_values(type_expr)

While Literal values can be retrieved using type_expr.__args__, the get_literal_values() function ensures PEP 695 type aliases are properly expanded.

Next, we will take care of the typing aliases deprecated by PEP 585. For instance, typing.List is deprecated and replaced by the built-in list type. In this case, the origin of an unparameterized deprecated type alias is the replacement type, so we will use this one:

from typing_inspection.typing_objects import DEPRECATED_ALIASES

# If `type_expr` is `typing.List`, `origin` is the built-in `list`.
# We thus replace `type_expr` with `list`, and set `origin` to `None`
# to emulate the same behavior if `type_expr` was `list` in the beginning:
if origin is not None and type_expr in DEPRECATED_ALIASES:
    type_expr = origin
    origin = None

At this point, if origin is not None, you can safely assume that type_expr is a parameterized generic type. You can then define your own logic to handle the type expression, and have different code paths if you are dealing with a parameterized type (e.g. list[int]) or a "bare" type:

if origin is not None:
    handle_generic_type(type=origin, arguments=type_expr.__args__)


If a deprecated type alias is parameterized (e.g. typing.List[int]), the origin will be the replacement type (e.g. list), and not the deprecated alias (e.g. typing.List). This means that handling typing.List[int] or list should be equivalent.